How False Light Ages You

How False Light Ages You What is blue light? A wavelength of light. Blue wavelengths of light are beneficial during the day. Think of daylight, where you are most likely to be alert and attentive. Where it becomes a problem, is with the over stimulation of electronics. These along with energy efficient light bombard your ... Read More

The Queen of Natural Face Masks

The Queen of Natural Face Masks This simple solution has been a beauty staple for many beauty queens, for over thousands of years. The infamous cleopatra was a solid believer!   Its the bees knees! Its honey!   Honey is a natural humectant. Which means it steals moisture from the air and fixes it into the skin. ... Read More

An ESSENTIAL Essential Oil

An ESSENTIAL Essential Oil Before I tell you what essential oil I am talking about, I have a short story for you. About a chemist named René- Gattefossé . René was born in 1881 and his father founded Gattefossé establishments in 1880. The company produced essential oils, and raw materials for perfumes and various products. ... Read More

A Surprising Elixir For YOUTH!

A Surprising Elixir For YOUTH! Any guess on what this magical potion is? Well its not a potion. Nor is it a magic pill, yet if you start to add this it can transform your life.   Its lifting, or weight bearing exercises. It can be as simple as starting with light barbells and building ... Read More

The Secret To Stopping Yo-Yo Dieting

The Secret To Stopping Yo-Yo Dieting What happens with the elusive cycle of the yo-yo diet? Let me go into what happens, then I will break it down and decode it for you.   The cycle goes like this….   Person doesn't like the way they look or feel and focus to lose weight. They ... Read More

How To Feel Great Setting A Boundary!

How To Feel Great Setting A Boundary! Setting healthy boundaries allows your true, authentic self to emerge. The more you, you become, the more joy you will begin to experience.   A clue when you need to set a boundary with someone, is when you feel the emotions, anger and frustration.   I like to keep ... Read More

Fad Diets & Scorpions – Why They Both STING

Fad Diets & Scorpions - Why They Both STING Fad Diets and Scorpions two things you wouldn't normally hear in the same sentence…   But first let me tell you a story.   Once upon a time, over 20 years ago I lived in Arizona. I love the desert, currently I am in Las Vegas, ... Read More

3 Foods To Avoid if You Want To Stay Slim

3 Foods To Avoid if You Want To Stay Slim Okay, you are super excited to be on your journey of living a healthy lifestyle. This is great news!   And, we live in such an amazing time right now where there are so many options for tasty healthy treats. The downside is … there ... Read More

5 Surprising Collagen Killers

5 Surprising Collagen Killers I have 5 top collagen killers to share with you, that you might be doing right now and what to do instead!   Collagen is what makes babies skin to soft and supple. The fact is, as we age we lose this amazing substance. If you don't know how collagen works, ... Read More

Stress Does THIS To Your Body – Get Back on Track

Stress Does THIS To Your Body - Get Back on Track I was lucky to have worked in the wellness field for over 14 years.  I had clients from all walks of life, ethnic backgrounds and they ALL came to me for some type of stress!   Some of it was more physical, such as ... Read More