How To Look Younger Naturally & Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

How To Look Younger Naturally & Lead a Healthy Lifestyle On occasion people have told me that I have nice skin, and then ask how old I am… which is always a woman's favorite question! When they discover my actual age the next question is… "What is YOUR secret to looking younger?' They wonder how I have avoided deep lines ... Read More

Ancient Map Decodes Your Beauty Woes

Ancient Map Decodes Your Beauty Woes What if you could actually communicate with what your body and skin was telling you? What if this helped you take the stress out of skin, and decoded secrets about your skin? Would you want to know how?     With many of the things I teach and share, ... Read More

Magical Tool To Declutter Your Mind

Magical Tool To Declutter Your Mind Have you ever felt like your brain was running so fast and you can never catch up? How about having a constant stream of mental baggage that creates a chaotic disaster? Or having intense emotional feelings that put you on edge?   If your answer is YES to any of these, ... Read More

REAL Talk About our Aging Face

REAL Talk About our Aging Face There is some conflict being a modern woman and caring about our looks. As women, haven't we grown above that? We worked hard for equality yet as certain shifts in our appearance happen… many of us feel trapped by such a superficial concern and have emotional conflict. Why should ... Read More

5 Ways To Optimize Sleep

5 Ways To Optimize Sleep In the age of information it can definitely be a challenge to master the art of sleep…. But sleep is important to your health and appearance, research has shown this. I am sure you have experienced the harmful effects of sleep deprivation yourself! I know I have. Sleep is where ... Read More

Winning Tactics For Aging

Winning Tactics For Aging The truth is you are not the only one concerned about aging….it is something that affects us all. But what exactly is it? As you know, I like to simplify things…so from a big picture perspective, aging is the deterioration of living forms. It happens to all living material in some way. ... Read More

The Mindset For Longevity

The Mindset For Longevity Today I would like to plant a few seeds in your mind…..   Prevention and investment.   In our world of quick fixes, it's easy to neglect this, especially with quick access to almost everything.  Yet these are key factors in your own longevity and Pro-Aging Process. Prevention and Investment. Like a ... Read More

How Inflammation Steals Your Youth

How Inflammation Steals Your Youth A couple of years ago, I decided to get laser focused on my health. While I always believed in my heart and soul that I was young and did things to support aging well… I wanted to take it a step further. Especially after I turned 40! I chose to ... Read More

Emotions & Health – The Beauty Connection

Emotions & Health - The Beauty Connection The fact is, humans are emotional creatures. And emotions motivate our every action and have more control over you then you could imagine. There is a rainbow of emotions, from happiness, joy, to sadness, fear and anger…etc…   Emotions make you FEEL. These feeling motivate you to do ... Read More

Why Sitting AGES You

Why Sitting AGES You It is no secret that in our modern world of easy convenience we move less. Yet, a sedentary lifestyle is deadly and youth robbing.   Many studies have proven that sitting for long periods of time can lead to serious issues. As a retired massage therapist, the worst cases I saw ... Read More