Stress Does THIS To Your Body – Get Back on Track

I was lucky to have worked in the wellness field for over 14 years. I had clients from all walks of life, ethnic backgrounds and they ALL came to me for some type of stress!
Some of it was more physical, such as back, neck, etc… Yet many also suffered from…
- Poor digestion ( it slows digestion because you are in survival mode)
- Brain Fog (fight or flight puts your adrenals on overdrive – which raises cortisol. Overtime this can develop into some serious illnesses)
- Weight Gain….(emotions are rampant, emotional eating usually happens, your eating food that is not healthy that spikes your blood sugar and insulin and you are over producing cortisol!).
If any of those sound like you, rest assured I have some tips for you to start implementing now. Here they are!
1. Say NO more often. Don’t overcommit yourself. Overcommitment might seem nice in the moment, but it can steal your time. Your time is valuable and irreplaceable, spend it with care.
2. Go get a bottle of therapeutic grade essential oil - Lavender. Essential oils were more valued than gold in ancient times because of their healing qualities… isn’t that interesting?
The reason why they work is they travel to the blood stream and do their magic. Lavender is an all purpose oil that can be used on your feet, wrist, in a diffuser or spray on your pillow at night. There is a reason that if you look at animal calming sprays, that lavender is an ingredient.
3. Meditate, even if its only for 5 minutes. Your brain and body are in over stimulation mode. I compare it to a messy room…you must empty your brain and become mindless, not mindful.
You can also download one of my free guided meditations to get you started. Click Here.
4. Exercise produces dopamine the feel good hormone. Stretch, get some movement.
5. Get a massage! Give to yourself.
6. Be in nature. Forest bathing is a real thing, and its part of who we are as humans at the core. Lack of nature is terrible for the soul.
7. Be careful who you spend time with…some people, while you appreciate them could be bringing you down!
8. Breathe. When you are in a challenging moment, remember to breathe….
Stress happens in life, but you don’t have to become a slave to it. There are times its helpful, yet the majority of what we experience isn’t normal. You can find the balance if you become aware and present.
Makayla Leone