Clear Your Heart & Clear Your Path

Quantum energy coaching works while you focus on what matters—your business and life!

What if you had the unfair advantage that top performers use to break through invisible barriers? Imagine achieving your goals without the usual grind of therapy sessions, endless self-help routines, or long meetings.


Quantum energy coaching offers the ultimate shortcut for high achievers like you—removing hidden blocks without even needing to hop on a call.


The first step is looking at the energetic key that might have been missing, your heart.

The Energetic Key to Success You’ve Been Missing

Life’s challenges—be it loss, stress, or upheaval—can leave a lasting imprint on your energetic heart. These intense experiences often create invisible layers of protection, forming a barrier that encases your heart and stifles its true power. Whether through micro-traumas, stress, or negative emotions, the subconscious mind instinctively shields the heart, thinking it’s protecting you.


In the short term, this defense mechanism serves its purpose, keeping you safe during overwhelming moments. But over time, these energetic layers harden, creating heart walls that block you from truly connecting with yourself, others, and your full potential.


These layers can take many forms and weights unique to each person, but their effect is universal: they block you from fully accessing the energetic alignment needed to achieve lasting success.


Clearing the heart is the first, vital step to true transformation.


Without removing these barriers, you’ll feel weighed down by unresolved emotions, limiting beliefs, and energetic imbalances that keep you from growing.


When we work together to clear these layers, you open up pathways for clarity, success, and alignment in both life and business. When those layers are released, the heaviness disappears, and you experience life from a place of freedom, where your heart and mind are truly working together.


The Heart is More Than an Organ—It’s the Key to Unlocking Your Full Potential


How Does Quantum Energy Coaching Work?

For flexibility and freedom I work remotely, through EMAIL sessions only. The reason why I work this way  is because I work directly with your subconscious mind. Coaching your subconscious mind to guide me towards what we can release and/or clear. I have no distractions and can work with greater ease and clarity. I call it coaching without 'coaching'.


This also means there is no need to be in person, book a call, or jump on zoom.  Very convenient! Feel free to check out some testimonials here. I have also included some wonderful client stories here.


How The Process Works:

  • After your purchase you will receive an intake form to fill out. When I receive the information, within 24hours on weekdays I will let you know what day I am working with you.
  • On our session, I first connect connect to the universal love and God Force Energy.
  • Then, using quantum entanglement I stand in for you, while decoding the information and clearing imbalances.
  • I decipher this information through strategic questions, using the The Body Code™ bodymap system and energetic muscle testing.
  • The energy I pull from is the God Source energy, and unconditional love for you. You are your own healer, I become the medium between you, your body and the God Source energy.


There is nothing special you need to do on the day we work together, as your body will process in the best way for you. It has been known to help if you do stay hydrated, so the excess energy can travel easier.


Within 24hours you get a full report of what we cleared together.


What is Muscle Testing & Quantum Entanglment?

We communicate with immediate feedback by using energetic muscle testing. Muscle testing, or applied kinesiology was created in the 1900's by R.W. Lovett, a Boston Orthopedic surgeon. He used this system to help patients with various health concerns. It is a non-invasive technique that acts as the entryway to communicating with the subconscious mind. By questioning the body, you receive answers from the body versus the conscious thinking mind.


Energetic muscle testing has its foundation in this method, with a slight difference. Practitioners can tap into your energy field and stand in for you, and become you. The technical term is called Quantum Entanglement. This connection directs us towards what needs to be released and cleared. When we bring awareness to a particular imbalance, this gives your body permission to let it go. We call this the Observer Effect.


The most simple explanation of the Observer Effect is from Dr. Quantum. This animation breaks down the double split experiment. This clip is from, “What the Bleep Do You Know down the Rabbit Hole” Check out the video here.


Additionally, it's all about the questions we ask and the intention used. I work with God/God source energy.  Healing runs in my DNA bloodline, my uncle in Trinidad and Tobago was a local Shaman in his town. The main methods I use are The Emotion Code® , Body Code™ & Belief Code®. You can read about Dr. Bradley HERE.

Results Clients Have Experienced

  • Projects getting funding after clearing blocks
  • More connection to self and others
  • Increased Productivity - Removing mental blocks
  • More Authentic Leadership - Greater Confidence
  • Increased Resilience - High Emotional Bounce Back
  • Financial Growth - More Clarity and Energy
  • Time Optimization - Reduce Overthinking
  • Enhanced Creativity - Removing Self Doubt
  • Self worth raised by removing imbalances
  • Chronic Knee Pain Disappeared after 20 years
  • Heaviness Around Chest Gone after 10 Years
  • Fear of Flying Disappeared
  • Setting Boundaries with Love and Grace
  • Removal of Entity that haunted them for 50+ years
  • Stopping Bruxism and Bad Dreams after 5+ years
  • Have More Connection to God and Life Purpose

Are you ready to reveal and and heal together? Let’s find those invisible blocks and unlock your limitless potential. Don’t let time be your excuse—make it your superpower.

Enhance Your Life & Business by Removing Hidden Blocks

Hidden blocks will keep you stuck, no matter how hard you push. You’ll keep spinning your wheels, frustrated by unseen limits.  Your dreams deserve speed. The longer you wait, the more time you lose to grow, expand, and take quantum leaps toward your bigger vision.


Unlock the subconscious potential hidden within you, gain clarity, elevate your confidence, and watch your business and personal life transform.

Core Foundations for Imbalances

You’re driven by ambition, vision, and a desire for more—more success, more freedom, more fulfillment. But even the most motivated individuals hit invisible walls. These walls are often rooted in unprocessed emotions, limiting beliefs, and past experiences that get stored deep in the subconscious and within the heart's energy field.


When the heart carries unprocessed emotions—whether it’s the fear of failure, guilt from past mistakes, or even the pressure to always perform at your peak—this weighs down your progress. These blocks might not be obvious at first, but they show up in ways that affect your decision-making, leadership, and ability to scale your business without stress.


Clearing the energetic heart is the perquisite to working together.


I have also found many of the main issues we have created in life stem from faulty beliefs. After we clear your energetic heart, we can tap into more hidden layers to uncover and heal.


Click on the images if you want to learn more about the heart wall, or faulty beliefs.

Are You Ready to Take a Quantum Leap?

You’ve already built a life of success, but if you’re ready to take it to the next level without adding more time-consuming tasks to your day, energy coaching is your secret weapon.


Clearing the heart’s energy and dissolving hidden imbalances isn't just about feeling better—it’s about unlocking your potential for exponential growth in life, health, relationships and business.