Dr. Bradley Nelson & The Emotion Code®

Dr. Bradley Nelson & The Emotion Code®

Emotions are one of the building blocks to this entire human experience. Trouble happens when we have an accumulation of negative emotions that get trapped in our body. The Emotion Code® is a energy healing modality, developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, over his 20+ years in clinical practice as a Chiropractor.


These trapped energies create havoc in many ways. The Emotion Code® is the system that discovers, decodes and releases trapped emotions. Using energetic muscle testing, we identify and release imbalances that have caused blockages. These blockages can create physical and emotional issues.


Imbalances can be created before, during or after your birth. Your subconscious mind is your own personal hard drive, collecting data 24/7. Some of this data blocks us from accessing our natural state, which is love, abundance and health. Clearing the system is like de-fragmenting a computer, so it can run in a more efficient manner.


After many years of self healing and personal growth, these modalities have been the most powerful for me, my family and my clients. You can read more about my story here.


After releasing imbalances, it is possible to regain inner harmony, vibrancy and alignment.

Heart Brain Coherence

Dr. Bradley & Jean Nelson - Belief Code Training in 2023

Dr Bradley Nelson & Makayla

Dr. Bradley Nelson Practitioner Summit 2024

What is The Body Code™ & Belief Code®?

The Body Code™ is the next level of The Emotion Code®. This technique can discover and remove root causes to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. Dr. Bradley's life work led to the understanding that ill health and many life’s problems can be traced back to 6 specific imbalances. Each of the 6 categories have their own subcategories.


The main Body Codeâ„¢ categories (that go into subcategories) are:

  • Energies
  • Circuits or Systems
  • Toxins
  • Pathogens
  • Structural misalignment
  • Lifestyle and Nutrition


The Belief Code® is the third level that builds on the first two, while adding Belief Systems.The main Belief Code® categories (that go into subcategories) are:

  • Divine
  • Insight
  • Communication
  • Love
  • Power
  • Passion
  • Survival


This intricate body-mind map system, developed by Dr. Bradley and his team, is unique in locating the root cause. We are guided to the answers through energetic muscle testing. I created a brief overview of the software that you can check out here.

Your Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind is a "data base" the super computer of you. It records every experience in your lifetime, whether you are conscious of it or not. EVERYTHING. From the moment you are born, to prior.


Connecting with the energetic field in this "data base" gives us access to information in your subconscious mind. Its is like using a google search to find answers. As a former private investigator, I love this part of decoding. Especially as it bypasses the conscious mind.


The human body is the most advanced system in this realm and even though it knows how to heal, it needs help and guidance to clear some imbalances. Giving it the opportunity to speak and give answers, can clear what is obstructing your life.

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