Client Testimonials

New Hair Growth & Bad Dreams Stopped
Watch Sean's video testimonial above for full details. Sean was able to clear residual sadness, stop his right knee from clicking and start the path to a healthier head of hair. Melissa healed bruxism, cleared anxiety and stopped having bad dreams after 5 years. Incredible! ~ Sean & Melissa Malone

Free from the Shackles of an Invisible Hand
"I have worked with Makayla for several concerns and every time I am amazed at the work, and how my life shifts. Especially as this is all through email. Energy is very interesting. While we have cleared many things like trapped emotions, my heart wall and physical ailments one of the most profound experiences has been through Belief Code work.
A deep rooted negative belief I held about myself was directing the course of my life with an invisible hand - I felt like a prisoner on the inside. No amount of talk therapy, or years of personal development was able to dissolve it. After Makayla located it and cleared what powered this belief I am seeing, feeling and experiencing more joy, clarity, calm and abundance. I finally feel like myself and no longer feel like a victim. " ~ Anna Q

Creating Peace of Mind
“Makayla's work has given me peace of mind and a path to healing to which I am truly grateful for. I've noticed an increased emotional stability. I feel less anxiety and trapped frustration. I've learned to address incidents in my life that have had direct physical effects on me, and with her divine help, I am now able to do inner work on myself." ~ Mark C.

Calmed a Racing Mind
"I'm someone who has struggled with worry and "racing mind" my whole life. The end result has been a high degree of anxiety and trouble being able to fall asleep my whole life. After only a couple of sessions of Quantum Energy work Makayla, my worrying has gone almost entirely away. Not only that, but I'm now able to fall asleep within 10 minutes!

Knee Pain Gone
"I had crippling knee pain for nearly 10 years. It severely impacted my quality of life and, frankly, made me feel much older than I actually am! It finally got so bad that I decided to get surgery. When the surgery got delayed, I was gifted 3 Quantum Energy session with Makayla from my son.
I was a bit skeptical, especially since I didn't even need to get on a call or anything. You mean to tell me she just does the work and emails me a report of what she cleared?!? It sounded a bit hippy-dippy to me! But I figured it couldn't hurt.

Stepped Away from Old Self
"I felt as though I was stepping away from a body that had been sorely damaged. I stepped away from a false impression of a person I had become. Fear had a powerful grip on that person. With this new realization, fear serves no purpose. The world appears to be vibrant. I can apprehend that my place in the world is not so demanding after all. It is liberating to understand superior performance is not required. I am free to do whatever however I please.
In other words, it is okay if I do not answer the phone every time it rings. It is okay if I do not rescue everyone on the planet. Best of all I can forgive self and others for not taking hold of each fabulous opportunity toward perfection. I can allow myself and others to be human… complete forgiveness.
Finally acknowledging that I am human, enables me to make mistakes with the hope and purpose of how to grow and what to learn from them … that being the case, I can now discern opportunity from mistake and then know that labeling the experience is not a requirement ... freedom. Perhaps the best way to embrace this new freedom is ‘knowing how to move forward without reacting’ … deliverance." ~ Glinida Raiy

Feeling Freedom & Gratitude
“Many of the feelings and experiences of my past, have not been thought about for some time, but my body remembered. Thank goodness Makayla was able to tune into them with the Body Code and lightened the load I didn’t even know I was carrying! Feeling much more freedom and gratitude for her intuitiveness and this magical work!" ~ Michelle L.

Free To Be Powerful & Confident
“Makayla is Amazing!!!The work that she has done has created direct results in my life. I am forever grateful to be free of the angry, depressed, misguided and confused boy that I once was and to be the powerful, empowering, confident and focused man that I have become. Makayla was and will continue to be a catalyst in my growth." ~ Zachariah

More Open & Connected to Self
"It is impossible to fully open up ourselves to all of life's experiences (including love and joy) when our hearts are closed off. We think we are blocking out only pain and emotions we don't want to experience, but unfortunately we are holding ourselves back from blissful emotions as well. Subconscious trauma that is still living inside our bodies needs to be released, and Makayla facilitated just that! In just a few sessions I felt more at peace and more open than I had in a long time."~ Sunny M.

Permission To Direct Life
“These are the three big differences that I noticed right away. My feelings are not as easily hurt so if there was a chip on my shoulder or deep rooted 'feeling of self pity' I hope that is a sure indication that those are gone. Now here are really the good ones; I feel more creative, happy, freer to be me, myself and I . But best of all , somehow, I have permission to run/direct my own life.” ~ G. S. McRae

Life Is No Longer Pain & Suffering
"I am honored and blessed to have been working with Makayla. She creates a noticeably solid energetic connection as she methodically, with Love and Acceptance, supported my subconscious and conscious minds through becoming aware and releasing thoughts and emotions from events that no longer serve me.
I noticed myself experiencing a series of emotions ending with a full body tingling and energetic shock as my heart walls dissolved and now my energy flows with a deeper Love and Acceptance than I have previously experienced. It’s not the hippy woo woo love, it’s more so like having a bird on your shoulder that kept pecking at your ear and then after this, it’s gone. It's a relief from stress that was weighing me down and holding me back in ways I couldn’t see. Suddenly I see, and the world is completely different. Thank you Makayla for giving me a new perspective on an old life.
I used to see my life as pain and suffering, now I see it as growth and wisdom. When you are ready to release from that stress that bothers you, yet you can’t seem to find a way to free yourself from it. This is what you have been looking for and Makayla holds the space to get the real work done." ~Z. Moyes

Heavy Emotions Exiting Soul
“The first noticeable change I could feel was that it felt like my body was lighter. A feeling I can’t ever remember having before. Then as the “Clearing” continued, other senses registered a significant change in body awareness.
I could actually feel heavy emotions exiting my body. It was actually more like exiting my soul. Whatever, it felt comforting. I didn’t expect much from the Clearing Concept because it was something very new to me, but wow, the actual witnessing of the change was almost like getting slapped in the face but with a comforting type of slap. I looked forward to the next Wall Clearing session each time. Makayla’s care was as soothing as a massage, but she used only her voice to accomplish that. Pretty darn cool, if you ask me.” ~Dennis Hatch Christen

*************Results are not guaranteed. Results may vary depending on individual*************