Amazing Client Stories

Here is a short collection of some client stories to share how incredible THEY are. Their stories range from health, career, relationships, spirituality and more.


There is no limit when you tap into the world of infinite possibility. Healing is a unique and personal journey that can happen in layers. Constantly shedding, revealing and growing.


I have changed their names to keep their identity safe, except for my cat Diana.


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Donating Extra Weight

Sam is very successful in his job, working for a prestigious school. He is well respected, works hard and finds fulfillment with helping his students. Where he struggled the most was with his health. Having put on 30 pounds it was straining his body, energy and self esteem. He had no desire to take care of himself.


After clearing beliefs, trapped emotions and his energetic heart, amazing things occurred.


The first shift he noticed was his ability to deal with stress and emotional turmoil. Things that in the past set him off, seemed to roll off with ease. Then he started to work out, eat better and enjoy taking care of his body. I am proud to report he has donated 20 pounds to the universe and continues to thrive.


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Dark Shadow Dissolving

Imagine wanting to succeed in life and feeling a heavy shadow that never lets you breathe. Not only does this shadow taunt you with fear, but it speaks heavy thoughts into your mind. Sarah had this issue and it stunted her growth and her ability to speak up. Her voice was blocked.


We worked on clearing beliefs, trapped emotions, entities and her energetic heart.


The dense weight that sat heavy on her heart dissolved and for the first time she felt free to breathe and be herself. She has gone on to set loving boundaries and create a new community for herself. She also just completed her first book! Sarah is growing into who she
was born to be.

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Fear of Flying Gone

Joseph has everything going for him. He is handsome, has a beautiful wife, 2 incredible children and runs a successful business. On the outside he is living the life, yet he guarded a secret that no matter what he tried, he could not heal. While in every way he was a masculine man loving games, cars and firearms he was terrified to fly.

This posed a big problem as you can imagine, since there were times he needed to travel for business.


We cleared beliefs, trapped emotions and his energetic heart.


While being half skeptic he was in shock when he went on an airplane a few weeks later and his fear was gone! In fact on the turbulent flight he was the one consoling his terrified wife! Joseph continues to shed the layers that are not his own and his success keeps rising.


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Killer of Success Caught

Jason runs a publishing company, authored several books and is also in marketing. On the outside he checks all points of success in business. The internal side was something else. While it appeared all was going well he had a sabotaging belief that caused agony.


The belief manifested as him fighting his own success, by not being able to get beyond a certain pay level. This invisible force kept him a prisoner.

We learned that he became a murderer to his dreams, by cutting them down every time he was about to get to the next level!


After many clearings, he has a better relationship with himself.


He no longer is the serial killer to his success and opportunities keep opening up for him.

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Tidal Flood of Prosperity

David is a producer, author and actor. He was struggling in a partnership that was stealing his life force, which blocked his dreams.


We cleared his energetic heart, various beliefs, and other imbalances that stunted growth.

A few months later he left the partnership, gained his health back and opportunities opened up. Projects he has worked on for decades are now in the process of being funded. A lifelong dream coming to fruition! Another benefit he reported was that black spots he had on his lungs for years magically disappeared!


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Healing Hearts from Infidelity

Working with a couple after infidelity uncovered deeper issues before their marriage began. Katherine and John own business together and wanted to heal their past. They tried plant medicine,talk therapy, and still knew there were things under the surface.


Clearing their heart walls revealed core wounds in their youth that haunted them.


John carried the trauma from birth and abandonment from childhood. Katherine carried the wounds of feeling worthless, programmed from family and religion. Clearing their hearts together was a transformative and healing experience for them. Together they now lead their clients with love, compassion and strength, as well as in their marriage.


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Family Curse Broken

Brian runs a coaching company and holds retreats for high level entrepreneurs. He helps them step out of their comfort zone and play big in their lives. While he presented himself as confident, his insides were in chaos. Battling beliefs about lack he was struggling to keep up the facade.


After clearing his energetic heart, various blocks, including a family curse, things changed.


Putting his heart back in charge allowed him to be more trusting of his path. His retreats continue to sell out and his coaching program has a waiting list. Way to go Brian!


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No Need to Hide Anymore

Christine is an author and wellness professional. She is very knowledgeable but had a lot of fear around business. Even though she had all the tools to build her business, she would sabotage herself and hide. It was frustrating on every level.


Several sessions of clearing we found the core seed.


Years before she had a vivid past life regression. While powerful it wasn't properly cleared from her energy field and it haunted her. It involved being severely punished for speaking her truth. So we dissolved the memory field and the imbalances keeping it alive. She is now taking action towards her business without feeling the need to hide anymore!


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Allergy to Wealth Cancelled

Jeff is a talented and sought after copywriter. His work has helped his clients increase their profits in the millions. You would think that he exuded confidence with that track record. The curious thing is that when it came to his work and his products he struggled. It was if something invisible was repelling potential clients. After several clearings, we uncovered an interesting block.


He inherited a physical allergy to accepting wealth for his own work.


This came from an ancestor on his father's side. He was unconsciously pushing people away, because he was 'allergic'! When you realize our natural self is abundant, it gets exciting clearing what is in the way. Happy to report, new insights and clients are now attracted to Jeff!

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Father Wound Healed

Angela is an author and coach. One of the most difficult concerns she struggled with was her relationship to her father. Father daughter relationships do set the tone how women relate to men in the future. While her father is a good man, he was distant. For a sensitive child like Angela, this looked like abandonment and feeling invisible to her. This showed up as repeating patterns for her in life, following her for decades. Nothing she did could heal it.


After multiple clearings and a heart healing the broken pieces finally came together.


Now with compassion, clarity and wisdom she is more whole and feels safe. Parenting herself now and accepting her father with grace, love and forgiveness.

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Abudance Portal Unlocked

Debbie is a health practitioner with a thriving clientele. Her work is extraordinary and healing. It was time for her to level up in business, but she had a hard time raising her price.


We cleared deep rooted imbalances many located in the sacral chakra.


The sacral chakra is the source of creation and abundance. A short time after, while taking time to readjust how she worked, she raised her price. She gained the courage to redesign her practice in a way that supported her new chapter. Her clients had no problem and she continues to thrive.


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Fear of FIreworks Vanished

I don't often work on pets, as it often involves their owners but wanted to include this story. Our cat Diana was terrified of fireworks. To the point where we had to build kitty tents around the house for her to hide in during firework holidays.


After various clearing sessions something incredible happened.


My husband and I were outside on July 4th with our other cat Freya looking at the fireworks in the sky. We live right by the mountains so we get a show. To our shock and surprise Diana came out, sat beside us and watched the fireworks with no reaction. She lost her fear of fireworks!

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                     *************Results are not guaranteed. Results may vary depending on individual*************